Hi, my name is Dana Golds,
I work remotely, love technology, and travel the world. When I go places, it becomes a journey.
To explain the YesPleas.app, I’m going to talk to you about technology and journeys and how I found the meaning of life.
Give it 4 min read, I hope you’ll like it.
AI is all around us. Everything we click is measured and recorded to give us the best user experience when searching for something online. Did you see The Social Dilama on Netflix?
Everything we see – the press, in social, sales, and even dating apps -is aimed at showing us what we will like, the best offer, that we are likely to redeem. Or at least what we think we like, simply as we just don’t know anything else.
Our choices for our future are based on our past.
I saw a TED talk by a guy named Max Hawking called – I let algorithms randomize my life for two years.
He allowed his computer to decide where he would live and what he would do for a full 2 years and lived an utterly random life. I was charmed.
I’ve been traveling a lot the past few years, and It made me think –
Did I make all my decisions by myself?
My best friend had a baby girl. When Aria was 2 years old, she started the “I want to do everything on my own phase.” She learned the word NO and ALONE and used them all the time. So being the best parents, the way to deal with her was to give her 2 options to choose from. So she can decide quickly and easily, by herself. This is called a closed choice.
But it made me wonder – when she is offered to choose between a red and a blue shirt, who really made a choice? Is it her or her parents?
Our natural choice, which is not affected by market forces, past, or any model, can be truly random.
If so, than paradoxically, Our natural choice, which is not affected by market forces, past, or any model, can be truly random.
John Doe
One of my favorite things is just to walk a road, go on a journey.
I like getting lost in a new city, walking where the road takes me.
When we do it on the roads of the temporary city of the Midburn (The Israeli Burning Man event), We call it a Playa Trip (Playa are the streats of the temperary city) Doing it in a parallel universe where everything can happen (AKA Burn Event), You are ready and open to get new experiences in your way. Of course, the set and setting are essential, but I always know it’s not about location.
Achinoam, one of my best friend (and the one who introduced me to Burn concept) and I once went on a play trip around Florentine (Tel Aviv).
We met interesting people and even got gifts from the universe that we found on the street.
I’ve been traveling a lot the past few years, and It made me think –
Did I make all my decisions by myself?
It sounds like a big and heavy story, but really, it’s magical.
It happened in Bansko, another ordinary night, with a lot of wine and a group of free people from around the world.
We wore sitting at the table after dinner, talking about the purpose of life for each of us, when one suggested that we find the truth about it using Randonautica app. The app sent us to a random location a few kilometers from us. And we went.
The same road I walked every other night turned to be different.
I can’t explain in words what happened there, but it all clicked.
It took a few days, but I’ve figured out the meaning of life.
It came down to 3 things.
#1 Change (I create my reality)
Life is full of changes. We can control some of them and make our reality, and some we can’t. We need to be fluid, and like Talya told me after – The most robust metal is the one that can band.
If I don’t like where I stand – I can just move.
#2 People (I am not alone).
I meet amazing people along the way. Some will come with me a long way, and some won’t; some have a different direction, and some will deploy from us along the way. I love them all.
I am grateful for the time spent with them; the road walked together.
If I don’t like where I stand – I can just move.
#3 The road (not the endpoint).
When we arrived at the location we were sent to, there was a house and a bench. Everything was quiet. We sat there for a few minutes before we left. There was nothing at the end, but the road there was meaningful.
The journey was incredible. Still is.
Always is.
What is the difference between a walking trip and a Playa trip or a journey?
What is the difference between every night I walked the same route towards my flat in Bansko and that evening with the group?
The only difference was me.
I set my intentions out on a journey.
I opened my eyes and heart and was curious about what would happen.
And everything did happen.
“You’re on your own. And you know what you know.
And YOU are the guy who’ll decide where to go.
Out there, things can happen
and frequently do
to people as brainy
and footsy as you”.
I believe in traveling. It’s my religion.
Feels that everywhere we go,
we will find amazing things,
If we open our eyes and our hearts.
If we just listen to the roads ❤️
My app, Yes Please, which is now in the UI stages, will send you on a journey to explore.
All I wanted was to make you open your eyes, open your heart and just be prepared to see what’s around you. To give the road a chance to lead you.
My friend Dean Kuchel, says –
Say Yes. Go Explore.
And I say –
Enjoy Your Trip =)